User Guide: CLI: Spreadsheet Commands

DV8 Console Commands - Spreadsheet Commands

Spreadsheet Commands

This command, export-spreadsheet or office:export-spreadsheet exports a DSM matrix into a spreadsheet file:


dv8-console export-spreadsheet [-cluster <CLUSTER>] [-detail] [-drhier] [-h] [-namespace] [-outputFile <OUTPUTFILE>] DSM_FILE


The input is a DSM file (*.dv8-dsm) generated by DV8.


cluster: Specifies the clustering file used to order files in the output spreadsheet.

detail: Displays detailed dependencies within each cell in the generated spreadsheet.

drhier: Clusters files in the output spreadsheet using recursive DRH clustering.

namespace: Clusters files in the output spreadsheet using namespace clustering.

outputFile: Specifies the output spreadsheet file to create (*.xlsx).

Note: You can use one of the three options to define how the files will be clustered: -cluster, -drhier, or -namespace. If more than one option is set, the priority is as follows: -cluster > -drhier > -namespace.


dv8-console export-spreadsheet -outputFile structure-dsm.xlsx structure-dsm.dv8-dsm