How to Analyze Software Modularity Using DV8
1. Introduction to DV8
This video introduces the basic design model used by DV8 -- Design Structure Matrix (DSM) -- and how to use DV8 for basic design structure evaluation and visualization.
2. Manifesting Design Theory and Principles using DV8
This video introduces a common modular structure shared by successful software systems, and how to evaluate software designs, with respect to general design principles, using DV8.
3. Understanding Complex Software Systems using DV8
This video introduces how to analyze a software system through the lens of multiple design spaces.
4. Evaluating Different Software Dependency Types using DV8
This video introduces how to analyze the design spaces formed by different types of dependencies.
5. Assessing Modularity against Evolution History using DV8
This video introduces how to integrate structural dependency and evolutionary coupling into a DSM and analyze the quality of modules against their evolution history.