User Guide: CLI: Clustering Operation Commands

DV8 Console Commands - Clustering Operation Commands

Clustering Operation Commands

The following commands allow users to manipulate DSM matrices, including:

Cluster a DSM based on namespace or package structure
Cluster a DSM into a Design Rule Hierarchy
Cluster a DSM into a lower-triangle form

    Cluster a DSM Based on Namespace or Package Structure

    This command computes the namespace cluster for a dependency matrix.


    dv8-console core:namespace-cluster [-h] [-outputFile <OUTPUTFILE>] INPUT_FILE


    The input is a DSM file (*.dv8-dsm) generated by DV8.


    outputFile: The output clustering file to create (*.dv8-clsx). Defaults to the same filename as the input dependency matrix file in the current working folder.


    dv8-console core:namespace-cluster -outputFile clustering.dv8-clsx structure-dsm.dv8-dsm

    Cluster a DSM into a Design Rule Hierarchy

    This command computes the design rule hierarchy for a dependency matrix.


    dv8-console dr-hier:dr-hier [-h] [-maxDepth <INTEGER>] [-modules] [-outputFile <OUTPUTFILE>] [-recursive] INPUT_FILE


    The input is a DSM file (*.dv8-dsm) generated by DV8.


    maxDepth: Recursion depth limit.

    modules: Merge modules following the same set of design rules if switched on.

    outputFile: The output clustering file to create (*.dv8-clsx). Defaults to the same filename as the input dependency matrix file in the current working folder.

    recursive: Use the recursive algorithm if switched on.


    dv8-console dr-hier:dr-hier -outputFile clustering.dv8-clsx structure-dsm.dv8-dsm