User Guide: CLI: Arch Root Commands
DV8 Console Commands - ArchRoot Commands
ArchRoot Commands
This command returns a number of DSMs that cover a given portion of target issues. For example, it can return the DSMs that cover 90% of files that were modified two or more times to fix bugs.
dv8-console arch-root:arch-root [-frequency <FREQUENCY>] [-h] -outputFolder <OUTPUTFOLDER> [-percentage <PERCENTAGE>] -targetlist <TARGETLIST> DSM_FILE
The input is a DSM file (*.dv8-dsm
) generated by DV8. If the DSM file contains history data, the output root DSMs will also include history information.
Target frequency threshold to determine error-proneness. Default is 2
. Files that have changed fewer times than the threshold will be ignored. For example, if the target is bug issues, a frequency threshold of 2
means files changed fewer than two times for bug fixes will be ignored.
Specifies the folder where the root list file will be exported.
Specifies the percentage of target issues to be covered. Default is 0.8
The target issue list file.
dv8-console arch-root:arch-root -frequency 2 -targetlist targetcommitfreqlist.csv -percentage 0.8 -outputFolder root\arch-root structure-dsm.dv8-dsm