User Guide: CLI: Anti-pattern Commands

DV8 Console Commands - Anti-pattern Commands

Anti-pattern Commands

This command detects architecture anti-patterns based on a DSM file. If the DSM file includes history data, DV8 will detect all six types of anti-patterns; without history data, only three anti-patterns are detected.




A DSM file (*.dv8-dsm) generated by DV8. If the DSM file contains history data, the output anti-pattern DSMs will also include history information.


cliqueDepends: (For Clique detection) Specifies the dependencies filtered for clique detection. Multiple dependencies should be delimited by commas (e.g., imports,includes,writes). Use * to select all dependency types. Default: call,use.

crossingCochange: (For Crossing detection) Threshold of co-changes between two files. Default: 2.

crossingFanIn: (For Crossing detection) Specifies the number of other files that depend on a file (>= "crossingFanIn"). Default: 4.

crossingFanOut: (For Crossing detection) Specifies the number of files that a file depends on (>= "crossingFanOut"). Default: 4.

mvCochange: (For Modularity Violation detection) Threshold of co-changes between two files. Default: 2.

outputFolder: The directory where the detected architecture issues will be saved.

uiCochange: (For Unstable Interface detection) Threshold of co-changes between two files. Default: 2.

uihDepends: (For Unhealthy Inheritance detection) Specifies the dependencies filtered for unhealthy inheritance detection. Multiple dependencies should be delimited by commas (e.g., imports,includes,writes). Use * to select all dependency types. Default: call,use.

uihInheritance: (For Unhealthy Inheritance detection) Specifies the dependencies for unhealthy inheritance detection. Multiple dependencies should be delimited by commas (e.g., extend,implement,base). Default: extend,implement,public,private,virtual public.

historyImpact: (For Unstable Interface detection) Specifies the number of co-changed files (more than the co-change threshold) to detect history impact. Default: 10.

uiStructImpact: (For Unstable Interface detection) A value < 1 indicates the percentage of all files that are dependents (e.g., 0.01 means 1% of all files). A value >= 1 refers to the absolute number of dependents (e.g., 10 means the file has at least 10 dependents). Default: 0.01.


dv8-console arch-issue:arch-issue -outputFolder arch-issue -uiCochange 2 -crossingCochange 2 -mvCochange 2 -uiStructImpact 0.01 -historyImpact 10 -crossingFanIn 4 -crossingFanOut 4 -cliqueDepends "call,use" -uihDepends "call,use" -uihInheritance "extend,implement,public,private,virtual public" merged-dsm.dv8-dsm